17 April 2013

F5J Scoring Application

There is a small app available to help you score individual flights. This will give you the points scored for each flight. There is no database to the app so you will have to log all your scores on a spreadsheet if you want to keep track of your progress.
This might also come in handy for producing scores for electric Postal competition.
Download the file here. Unzip the file and run. Remember that in F5J the scores are normalized.

F5J Scoring Flowchart

View here.

Competition Announcement

We're getting close to our next F5J competition. This one will be held at BERG (Bartlett Egg Radio Gliders) on Saturday 27 April. Flying will start around 09:00.
The field is located approximately 5km northwest of the M47 / N14 crossing near Krugersdorp.

View Larger Map
The remaining dates for this year are:
  • 27 April
  • 30 June
  • 25 August
  • 26 October
 Hope to see you all there!