28 May 2014

2014 South African Gliding Nationals

It has been a while since my last post.
Briefly, we had round 2 at Silverton Gliding Club. I enjoy the venue as it is quite challenging with a lot of trees all around the field. Should you miss the trees, there is also a huge dam to land in.
Round 2 saw only 2m gliders entering and that made for some good competition.
Congratulations to Bryan Paxton, a newcomer to F5J, who showed us all how it should be done. Herman posted the results on the MGA blog.

Round 3 was scheduled to take place at Snoopy's airfield in Randfontein on the 18th of May but was cancelled due to extremely poor weather conditions. Hopefully we can re-visit Snoopy's at a later event.

The 2014 Glider nationals are due to take place on the 14th to 16th of June at Africa Lawns near Delmas. Google co-ordinates are: 26°08'08.4"S 28°37'52.9"E Entry forms available for download  here: http://1drv.ms/1k1pgly
This year's event is going to be great. Please make an effort to enter.

26 January 2014

F5J Round 1 - 2 Feb 2014

Can you believe we are one week from February? I nearly missed our first event!
We will be hosting the competition at GEMS.
Everyone is welcome to attend. If you would like to participate in the competition, please forward your name and SAMAA number to me so I can process your entry. (You can leave a comment below this post)  If you would like to know what F5J is all about, bring a camp chair, some snacks and enjoy the day's flying from the sidelines.

The normal will apply:
  • We will fly provisional F5J rules
  • You will need an altitude limiting device
  • Entries close Thursday afternoon 31 January
  • Arrive at 8, pilots briefing at 8:30, start comp no later than 9:00
  • Entry fee R50.00
Now all I need to do is repair all the damaged gliders, see you there!