Hi Guys and Girls
We have a lot in stall for 2018. It is going to be a busy and exciting year.
For those of you still thinking about joining us, please know that we try and keep our events as friendly and casual as possible. I want to encourage you to enter, you will see that there is no need to be stressed about anything. Having said that, there are some very competitive guys, and we cater for them too, so whatever skill level you have, you are welcome.
F5J events are normally run on Sundays, and the complete event takes about 3 hours. All you need is a motorized glider, a foamy will do, and we will hook you up with an altitude logger (Altis) if you do not have one already.
The 1st F5J FAI World Championships for Seniors and Juniors will take place in Trnava in The Slovak Republic (Slovakia), from 12-17 August 2019. It is our intention to select a team to represent South Africa. Please indicate your interest in being part of the selection process. I need to judge the viability of the exercise. We have four guys so far that have indicated interest, please consider being part of our team selection process.
Prospective Pilots should be aware of the following:
Team trial and Team selection Dates.
Please check the MGA Google calendar for up to date event dates:
Any bad weather or venue availability issue will move the date to the very next available weekend slot.
The full MGA calendar will be available soon, so the above dates and venues are provisional. More detail concerning the selection process will we posted as soon as I have an indication of interest.